President PJBC Abid Hussain congratulates nation of Pakistan Day !
March 20, 2018
Seventy-eight year ago; on March 23, thousands of Muslims from all over the sub-continent gathered in Lahore. They had one dream, one vision and one mission. One that day, under the prudent leadership of Quaid-i0-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other, the struggle of Pakistan started with full force and it ended with the creation of Pakistan
March 23 is the day when the struggles were stream lined. There was individual benefit; everyone was thinking of a broader prospect, everyone was thinking about the Muslims of the sub-continent and about Pakistan.
There were no Sindhis, Balochis, Pathans, Kashmiris, Punjabis and Bengalis; they were all part of a great Muslim nation. Pakistan is a country of over 200 million people determined to safeguard their freedom, integrity and sovereignty, who shall never give on the fore of evil/.
The Pak Japan Business Council (PJBC) congratulates all over the world on the occasion of Pakistan Day.
Let’s work to make Pakistgan prouder for all Pakistanis.
Happy Pakistan Day.